'Black, Anti-Racism, Trauma,' & More Words Banned By Trump Administration

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The Trump administration has reportedly banned nearly 200 words, including "Black," "racial justice," and "anti-racism," amid its war on woke and attacks against DEI.

According to the New York Times, 199 words and phrases have been prohibited from use in the Trump administration as the president works to reverse efforts made by Former President Joe Biden.

The censured words include “Black,” “anti-racism,” “discrimination,” “racial justice,” “diversity,” “trauma,” “at-risk,” “minorities,” “underprivileged,” “biased,” “climate science,” “women,” “female,” “socioeconomic,” “climate change,” “cultural heritage," and more.

This isn't the first time words or phrases have been secured by a presidential administration.

In 2021, Biden moved to ban words, including "illegal alien," and mandated that the word "Tribal" be spelt with a capital T when referencing Native Americans.

The Trump administration's censured words have reportedly been removed from government websites and documents. More words and phrases removed from use, include “pregnant person,” “equality,” “inequality,” “sex,” “gender,” “LGBTQ,” “advocate,” and “institutional.”

There are likely more words that have been banned that have gone unreported, according to the Times.

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